Thursday, November 29, 2012

Post Chemo, Post Port, Pre-Rads.

So here I am, 5 weeks post chemo and doing well. Amazing really. I suppose I have felt this good before, I am sure pre-chemo I have felt better actually, but still…I feel amazing. I feel like “me”, only better.

There are some lingering side effects still going on; I am more tired at the end of the day then I used to be, my muscles still ache a bit (but that could be the Herceptin, more on that later), my mouth still has a weird taste in it, but only after I eat or drink something sweet, I am still waiting for my hair to grow and what the hell is up with my fingernails?? Seriously, these suckers are gonna fall off. I just know it.

But I feel good, damn good. Relaxed even. More energized. Happy. Who’d a thunk it??

On Nov. 19 my port was removed my Dr. C., the surgeon who placed it, and performed my b/l mastectomy. Originally I was told that the port would stay in for the duration of my Herceptin infusions and for “just in case you need more chemo”.

Just. In. Case. I. Need. More. Chemo.

Those words have haunted me for months. Like a neon bubble over my head. The port was a constant reminder of my illness, as if I don’t have enough reminders of it. So imagine my surprise when Dr. Sh. had told me it could come out. He was the one who uttered the above mentioned scary words. Guess he doesn’t think I will need chemo again in the foreseeable future. Who am I to argue with him? He is the MD after all.

Altho, Dr. C seemed surprised when she took it out, as she held it above my head, all 12+ inches of that strangely blue port and its’ catheter, that Dr. Sh. said it could come out.  “Don’t you need this for the Herceptin?” she said as it dangled over me. Nope. They can start an IV every three weeks for that, thank you very much.

By the way, I had my first of my every three week Herceptins the other day. Feel fine. Nose is runny (normal) and muscles ache a bit but otherwise, I feel fine. Thank God. I really do enjoy feeling in fine.

Really. You have no idea.

And my hair…a great topic of discussion these days, is growing in. Some places are longer than others; I think the longest is at least an inch, the shortest maybe ¼ inch. Whatever. It’s growing. There aren’t any bald spots anymore. And as soon as I no longer see scalp I am getting it colored. What is up with all the gray?? And…as it turns out…my hair isn’t as dark brown as I thought it was (as I colored it??). It’s growing in light brown, and, as of now, straight. I’m sure it will curl eventually.

So I have a few more days to enjoy until radiation starts, and enjoy them I will.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Link to your Blog, I got Tears in my Eyes as I was reading the I did it I did it Blog Below to my wife. When I first met you in the Parking lot in Nazareth to look for our first cache together I knew you were no Ordinary Prissy Girl. And although I don't see you that often we have had some phone time, I'm so glad you did it and I am Honored to know you. Thank you for sharing you Journey and your Fear and Faith. In AA they say FEAR stands for Face Everything And Recover, and FAITH Fabulous Adventures In Trusting Him. God Bless and Keep on Keepin On. Your Friend ST.FU
