Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Have Beer...Will Ramble.

I suppose now would be a good time to ask one of my oncologists if I have cancer. Or have I had cancer? I am never quite sure which it is. Have or had? I don’t know what cancer feels like; I only know what the treatments for cancer can feel like.

It’s an odd question, I know. My mom would say “Leah, you are cancer free”, and she is probably right. So while still undergoing treatments for cancer can I honestly say that I don’t have cancer?

If I honestly believe that the surgery took all the cancer out of me, then is everything else prophylactic? Is it?? Huh??

It sure as hell better be.

Because, while feeling really good mentally and physically right now, I am so over it.

Mostly I am over looking like a cancer patient. I am tired of the head scarves; I am tired of the missing eyelashes and eyebrows (and the eyelashes...they are still falling out). I am tired of looking in the mirror, although I am an expert at not seeing certain things when I look in there. Seriously.

And, after 6 radiation treatments, I am over radiation. According to my rad onc, I am an “early reactor”. Which is big time medical jargon for…my skin is already pink. And I’m sore. Don’t bump me.

But I will keep going, for now, because I haven’t received permission from anyone (Alan, Mom, Mike) that I can stop…

On a good note…I’m still in chemopause!

Oh, haven’t I talked about that before?

I am cracking myself up…

Smile ya’ll…life could be worse.


1 comment:

  1. Beer is Good :)

    love you, girl

    (and I say "HAD cancer"'s long gone)
