Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Plastic Surgery

So today I met with a Plastic Surgeon. On the off chance that I may need him to someday give me a new boob. Or new boobs. Whichever. Have you even been in a plastic surgeons’ office? I haven’t. I expected to be surrounded by a bunch of long legged, tight faced, raised eyebrows kind of girls. But instead what I saw was a bunch of middle aged men and one old woman. I don’t even want to know…

Dr. S. was super nice (and cute too ladies….). He wasn’t quite sure why I was there tho. As of now there is no reason to believe I will even need his services. Ok, to be honest I guess my chances of needing him are 50/50. But I suppose Dr. Chung just wants me to know all my options, which leads me to believe that when I see her again on May 11 I am going to have to make some hard choices. Fast.

So Dr. S showed me a slide show of reconstructed boobs. And told me there are two methods of reconstruction. The first is the expander/implant method. Kinda self explanatory, right? They remove the boob(s) then immediately insert an expander. Then they will periodically fill the expander with air until the skin is stretched enough to insert an implant.

The second method, while more time consuming, sounds more natural to me. It’s called DIEP Flap. I don’t remember what DIEP stands for. What that does is take skin, muscle and tissue from my abdomen and move it up to make boobs. Maybe I should say breasts here? I don’t know. My mind keeps saying boob job. Anyway….as it turns out, I only have enough excess tissue, skin and muscle from my abdomen to make one boob. Yep, ONE!! Cuz I’m skinny!! I offered him a bit of my thighs tho, but apparently that won’t work. Unfortunately for me tho, this means if I need a double mastectomy I will have to go with option #1.

Either way, somehow that makes no sense to me, I will still have a nipple. A reconstructed nipple (OMG, dad I am sooo sorry, your face must be bright red)

And, FYI, he did not feel sorry for me enough to throw a little free Botox my way. I tried.

Tomorrow I meet with Hematology/Oncology. Friday I meet with Genetics.

Sorry Mike, no boobie pictures. You are just (pea)nuts!!

Next week, life as normal.(?)

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